This term the whole of team 5 did plays for our theme this term. We were all put into groups to rehearse our plays infront of our assigned class. In my group were, Chevelle, Eve, Bryan, Carlos, and Te Ururoa. We picked our play before practicing our lines. The play we chose was The Invisible raincoat. We all looked at the 6 characters carefully before assigning our characters. All 6 characters were introduced at the start of the play. Inspector was Eve, Border 1 was Te Ururoa, Assistant was Chevelle, Border 1 & 2 was Me and Carlos.. And the Land lady of the Boarding house, was Bryan..
Once some of the groups in room 3, were done doing their play. It was now me and my group’s turn to perform in front of the whole class. So we went up and stood in front of the class, and begin to do our play in front of them. Some of our lines were a little bit good and bad, we keep doing some mistakes in it. I was kinda shy and nervous, doing my play. while Eve looked so brave and confidence, doing her play. Chevelle was kinda good doing at her play, but she was also shy a bit. Carlos was also good as well in his play, he didn’t look shy like Chevelle and me he just look normal in his play.
After me and my groups were still peforming our play, in front of the class. We were done performing our play. I was so relieved that it was finished.